Georgia Beloved Naturalist is a collection of curious, engaged people in metro Atlanta who care about science, nature, each other, our society, and our planet. 

Nature Learning   •   Community Building   •   Justice Seeking

We are inclusive, intergenerational, multi-racial, and cross-cultural, and we practice deep nature learning at the intersection of beloved community and ecological justice. 

A diverse group of Georgia Beloved Naturalists smile and make heart symbols in the sunshine
A smiling Black woman holds up a soil test kit during a Georgia Beloved Naturalist field session

Learning about soil health

A group of diverse naturalists visit an urban farm at Awali Agro, as part of a Georgia Beloved Naturalist field session

Urban agriculture at Awali

A smiling Black woman holds up a turtle on a granite outcrop at Arabia Mountain, as part of a Georgia Beloved Naturalist field session

Herping at Arabia Mountain

A spotted fawn lies curled up in green grass, during a Georgia Beloved Naturalist field session

Georgia wildlife in the Piedmont

Five orange kayaks on a sandy creek bank, during a Georgia Beloved Naturalist paddling session

Paddling the South River in Dekalb Co

An Adopt-A-Stream instructor stands in a shallow creek, speaking to a diverse group of naturalists seated on rocks and roots along the bank

Streams and aquatic habitats

Photo credits: Dasia Glenn, Tixie Fowler, Tasha Messer

Birds Georgia is the fiscal sponsor of Georgia Beloved Naturalist